The Crossville-Cumberland County Chamber offers a wide array of advertising opportunities to help promote your business. Our Lifestyle Magazine is used for new resident recruitment as well as a guide for newcomers to our area. Additionally, the Chamber maintains a community calendar of events and sends weekly email updates focused on business and community activities, employment opportunities and other timely notifications. Let us help promote your business with a grand opening or ribbon cutting and through event sponsorships.
Held one evening each quarter, these networking events bring our members together to establish connections between local businesses, to share opportunities and to further promote one another.
Geared toward providing information on activities and events for locals and visitors alike, the Chamber maintains a Calendar of Events that is searchable by month. Members have access to add their own events to the calendar. Also, the Chamber manages the operations of the Crossville-Cumberland County Convention & Visitors Bureau and maintains its comprehensive Explore Crossville website.
Members are able to post all open positions for FREE through the Chamber website. Job postings allow members the opportunity to advertise available positions locally with no fees and job postings can be added and removed at any time.
The Chamber encourages and promotes the use of local businesses for goods and services. Connect with and through us to reach existing and potential new customers.
The Chamber distributes over 100,000 golf guides with listings for local golf courses as well as area accommodations. Golf guides are distributed through trade shows and online requests through various websites.
Cumberland County citizens and visitors contact the Chamber every day requesting information on area shops, attractions, and restaurants. That is why we offer a variety of guides at our office, at the Visitor Center (adjacent to Interstate 40, off Exit 420/Genesis Road) that the Chamber also operates, on our website and through postal mail by request.
The Chamber maintains this website and the community’s tourism website, Already have your own website or social media presence? Linking it to your Chamber listing extends your online reach and is included as a benefit of membership.
Members have an option to highlight their business by purchasing a banner ad on the Chamber website. The banners automatically provide the member a top listing in the business directory and the banner ad can be used as a direct link to the company website.
Kick-start your Chamber membership by attending a special event for new members. This event is held to review all of the new Chamber member benefits and gives you an opportunity to share information about your company with other members. There is also a photo opportunity at the event and details are shared in the Crossville Chronicle.
Crossville – Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce has a presence on Facebook for the Chamber and its members to share information and receive updates on all events, meetings, and educational seminars. We LOVE to LIKE our members! You can view and follow our page at
The Chamber publishes a full- color city and county map which includes detailed insets of communities such as Fairfield Glade, Lake Tansi, Pleasant Hill, and Crab Orchard. The map has a broad distribution of 10,000 and is exclusive to Chamber members.
Visitors and residents stop by the Chamber daily to learn more about area attractions, products and services. Members can display brochures and flyers about their business at no charge. This is exclusive to Chamber members.
This gorgeous, full-color magazine is distributed to thousands of individuals, businesses, and potential new residents each year. This is the primary publication used by the Chamber to highlight our community, especially to those who have recently moved or are considering relocation. Hard copies of the magazine are distributed by mail, at local accommodations, through realtors and a variety of other channels. Lifestyle is also available online here.
High visibility and advertising value is offered to members who sponsor Chamber events and programs such as our Annual Membership Meeting, New Member Luncheons, Legislative Breakfasts, Leadership Cumberland, Business After Hours, quarterly Coffee & Commerce events, as well as others. As a sponsor, members will receive pre-event publicity and their business is prominently displayed and promoted at the event.
Chamber members are kept up to date on events and issue via the weekly e-mail blast from the Chamber. Members can submit information about their special event, and we will include it in our email to 400+ top area businesses at no charge.
These ceremonies increase the visibility of new or expanding member businesses. Organized by the Chamber, ribbon cuttings and grand openings are attended by elected officials, Chamber leadership, Ambassadors, and staff, as well as your valued customers, family and friends. When you schedule your celebratory event through the Chamber, we coordinate with local media and promote it, with photos and text through our own communications channels, too.
High visibility and advertising value are offered to members who sponsor a Chamber event, such as Live Local – Shop Local, FAM tours, Membership Breakfast, Leadership Cumberland, Business After Hours, Receptions, Annual Meeting, and the Executive Managers Group Meetings, just to name a few! As an event sponsor, the member’s business name is prominently displayed and promoted. Pre-event publicity and mailings afford them broad advertising exposure at no additional cost above their sponsorship fee.
View the latest limited time special offers from Chamber members within the Crossville-Cumberland County Chamber.